Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Make Money Filling Prescriptions!

Many people have prescriptions that they fill on a monthly basis. Whether you have ongoing prescriptions to fill or just the occasional ones, there is a strategy for coming out ahead in getting them filled. Read the following story from a fellow blogger who takes the costly experience of filling monthly prescriptions and turns it into a money making opportunity for her and her family.
I have the misfortune to take three medications daily and Richard takes two. That is 5 scripts a month…when I fill them for the first time I fill at target..then the next month I transfer them to CVS where I use a transfer prescription coupon and get a $25 GC that is $125 a month for doing something I HAVE to do anyway…so why not do it where I can get money back. The next month I transfer them to Walgreen’s for the same deal. After three refills my Doctor sees me and gives me a new script. The cycle starts over. It is a nice little $1500 extra money a year for doing something I already HAVE to do. So I guess my misfortune can be seen as not so unfortunate.
The lesson here is to research the promotions at local pharmacies. Not too long ago Cub Foods was offering a free meal with a new prescription. I got my medications AND a rotisserie chicken, a bag salad, a container of mashed potatoes and a loaf of french bread. Not a bad deal in my estimation! I would definitely recommend checking with CVS, Walgreens, Target, Cub and Rainbow before filling a prescription. That means having the doctor print out the form for you and not having him call or email it to a local pharmacy. This may add a few more steps to the process, but you could be savy and come out way ahead!

1 comment:

  1. Great idea! I had never thought to do that. I'll have to show this to my Mom.
