Sunday, August 23, 2009

FREE Oscar Mayer Hot Dogs @ Rainbow Foods!

Rainbow Foods in Eden Prairie is celebrating an anniversary and is offering a few items at very good prices. One of the items is Oscar Mayer Hot Dogs. These packages are $.99 with a limit of 2. In today's SmartSource there is a coupon for $1/2 packages. On Wednesday with a $25 order you can double this coupon and then it becomes $2/2 packages, so then they are FREE!


  1. Yippee!!! I saw that too, so I think I'm getting the hang of this. :)

  2. Great Angel! These ones are easy to spot because the coupon is in the current edition of the paper. It's the unadvertised specials or coupons from past weeks that get to be harder to line up for deals. I teach you how to do this in my Smart Shopper Class. Good Job!!
